A working defibrillator is NOT optional
It is estimated that up to 40% of installed defibrillators are not operational.*
Don't take the risk of a non-operational device
It can be hard to make sure that manual checking and maintenance processes take place. But the reputation and legal risk to your business if a defibrillator isn't working is significant.
Simple technology for any defibrillator
Whether or not your defibrillator was supplied by us, we can provide monitoring for your devices using standard 4G technology
Our systems constantly check that your device is in place and operational, letting you know in real time if anything changes.
Email and/or SMS alerts about AED status changes, AED cabinet door openings, and more are transmitted to nominated responders, staff and management.
Is it expensive?
Compared to the cost of the time spent manually checking units, the cost effective annual subscription fee provides a great ROI.
Our monitored AED cabinets and monitors are pre-programmed in our workshop prior to being sent to site. Many of our monitored devices are independently powered and easily installed so require no expensive hard wiring or complicated Wi-Fi connection.
Compatible AEDs
We connect all leading AED brands of AEDs.
Service Plan
With our optional comprehensive service plan, you get everything you need including hardware, software, monitoring, training, pads/battery replacement and onsite preventative maintenance all for one annual fee.
We can help
You'll not only gain peace of mind, but can count on simplified, reliable management and ROI that pays for itself.
* Source: LA DeLuca Jr, Analysis of automated external defibrillator device failures reported to the Food and Drug Administration, Ann Emerg Med. Feb 2012